Category: Technology

Ecommerce, Fulfilment, Technology

Choosing The Right E-Commerce Platform

Choosing The Right E-Commerce Platform Photo by on Unsplash The UK ecommerce market grows every year, and there’s always room in the industry for new businesses. It’s so easy to set up an online store but choosing the right software isn’t easy even though, in theory, you could get an online store up and […]

July 2020


Storage and Inventory Management with SKUs

SKU (pronounced skew), or Stock Keeping Unit, is a term that is used when talking about inventory management. Storage and Inventory Management with SKUs allows use of a unique series of characters relating to an item or product. Universal Product Codes (UPCs, or barcodes) are exactly that – universal. A UPC is unique to the […]

May 2020


The Importance of the Telephone for Business

In this day and age the importance of the telephone for business has never been more evident. Here, we discuss the competitive advantages your business can take advantage of with the trusty telephone… 1) In most cases, people who seek out a phone number are doing so because they have an urgent problem or enquiry. […]

April 2020


Payment Processing for eCommerce

APayment Processing for eCommerce is increasingly being carried out smartphones, sending payment for services has never been easier. Furthermore, money sent will arrive with recipients within minutes and just a few ‘taps’. So is it really any wonder that cheque payments are on a downward spiral and have moved aside for digital payment processing for […]

April 2020

Ecommerce, Feature, Technology

Online Store Policies – Best Practices

How to Establish Policy Control – Our ‘best practices’ guide Whatever the size of your eCommerce store, if you’re selling to customers you need policy statements. Policies are a set of rules, or commitments, that keep your business transactions consistent, secure and correct. They enhance customer service by boosting customer confidence and provide reassurance should […]

April 2020